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  3. 2. этап. Проблемный вопрос: Почему люди становятся великими писателями?

    1. Hello! We would like to answer the question: "Why do people become great writers?" We think If a person has something to say, if he wants to e his feelings and thoughts to someone, if he wants to entertain his children or friends with exciting stories, he begins to write. And whether he will be known to the whole world or will be recognized only in narrow circles, it is impossible to predict. Only the big talant and hard work can make a famous writer.

    2. Good Evening! We want to reply to the question: "Why do people become great writers". We think if person has a rich inner world he can becomes pretty nice writer. Because, they can construct the plot of novel or story and wonderful to tell it. If person is fine workman, people can fell like they move to book.But, unfortunately, not everyone has such a talent

    3. Good afternoon! We believe that people become great writers because they have a great need to speak out, relieve their soul, reset their accumulated energy, get rid of the "torments of creativity", which not everyone suffers from (even if they want to) . For them, it is a way of self-expression that looks convincing, beautiful and interesting on paper.

    4. Мы думаем, что люди становяться великими
      Во первых, у многих людей есть талант. Некоторые из них пользуются этим шансом и становится великими писателями. А другая часть людей не стараются, поэтому не достигают высот.
      Во вторых, для того что бы людям стать великими писателями нужно уметь распределять своë время. Иметь время для отдыха и для учёбы
      Те люди, которые хотят и умеют излагать мысли правильно, понятно для общества, а также работают, вкладывая душу, могут стать Великими писателями

    5. Hello! We would like to answer the question: "Why do people become great writers?" People become great writers because of their desire and desire to express themselves. Famous writers have a rich imagination and enjoy what they write. Many authors write to leave a mark on history. The writer must have the talent and desire to follow his dream.

    6. Only those people who have creative imagination, vivid style of language can make readers not read, but swallow the events and plot of the books. They wait for next books of particular writer. The situations, which are described in the books, are close to the readers.

    7. People become famous because their works find a permanent place in literature and readers' lives. They create works that are read by many people

    8. Hello! We would like to answer the question: "Why do people become great writers?" People become great writers when inspiration comes to them and they want to express it through text. Thus, the author wants to convey his idea to the reader.

    9. I think people become great authors because of the other people - readers. They show their interest in writer’s work, they are inspired by their text, and this huge energy goes all around the world making one person famous. It is the unique perception of author’s words, point of view that he tries to share. Also, I think it depends on the special moment in history, there are loads of examples when a man becomes popular after his death, because of any thing, it means that it’s not THAT time for this kind of works and thoughts.

    10. People become writers for various reasons. Many authors describe interesting stories, moments from their lives. A lot of human beings start writing after one incident that changes their life. They become famous for different causes like the interest of readers, the situation in the world or the public recognition of the author's works as a remarkable work.
      Simply put, they become great authors because of their talent or skill.

    11. we think that people become great writers through hard work. from birth, some are endowed with talent in different fields, but there are also those who are unlucky. people who have no talent are working on themselves to achieve a lot in the future. but for this you need to have patience

    12. People become writers because they want to throw emotions into their creation. Some do it through brushes and canvas, and some through paper and ink. Everyone has tried to create at least once, whether it's drawing or writing a poem. The desire of a person to realize his plans into reality, to create something reflecting himself.

    13. people become great writers because they have the talent, the motivation.

    14. Hello everybody! I'd like to answer the question. So, great writers are those who create their masterpiece by giving a pat of themselves and investing their talent. Only those who born as writers are able to create somethig great that can hook a circle of readers.

  4. 3 этап. Проблемный вопрос: Почему вы рекомендуете выбранную вами книгу?
    Хотелось ли вам следовать героям, прожить жизнь героев книги?

    1. Stephen King pleases us with a new book. This book is very interesting. The characters are written very well. We want to empathize them more and more. The main character is an ordinary child with a difficult fate. He was surrounded by bad things everywhere. And the book ends unpleasantly for the main character. Stephen King gives no mercy to the characters of the book, everyone has problems. We don't want to go through what they went to go through. We wanted to help Jamie most of all, as the most innocent person of the book.

    2. Oscar Wilde's book is worth reading. After reading the title, you may think of a scary Gothic plot, but "Canterville Ghost" is not about that at all. This is a small and even rather cute story with sarcastic notes. It reads easily and naturally. Do we want to live the life of the main character? Probably not. But his story is very instructive.

    3. We advise you to read this book because you can be involved in an exciting plot of that period of time. Besides, the events of the book keep us in suspence waiting the end and guessing who the murderer is. As for the main characters, we don't want to be on their places, because we undestand how it is difficult to investigate criminal cases.

    4. We are sure you will like this book due to its exciting plot, loyal characters and unordinary friendship of animals and a human. It is difficult to live for a boy in wildlife. This book shows the struggle of good and evil, where real friendly relations can overcome violence of rude animals. As for the life of the boy, we think it will be quite nice to be friends with all animals and understand their speech. But we strongly believe that we should live among people. So we don't live the life of the main character.

    5. We recommend the book by Charles Dickens because it reflects very important problems of society such as poverty, avarice and bad attitude towards people. We would not want to be in the place of the main character, he was a very bad person, but the most important thing is that in the end he became a good person.

    6. We recommended this book for a reason. We liked it very much, this book is suitable for people who are not very fond of reading large works with descriptions of materials. Also "Twelfth Night" is often shown in theaters. Also in this work there is a stormy change of events, where you do not distract anything during the entire reading. By joint discussions, we decided that we would like to spend our life in the body of Cesario. You will ask why? Because she was very savvy, beautiful, smart and in general she is just a wonderful person. From the ending of the work you are simply stunned. Well, for some reason, we would recommend reading this book!😄

    7. I recommend this book because it makes you think about a lot of things. Each person after reading it draws their own conclusions. I would not want to follow the heroes as they have a very difficult path. All their lives they live under the other peoples' pressure.

    8. this book teaches us the ability of patience, calmness and composure. The author perfectly made all readers experience different emotions when reading. But most of all, you will never believe that an ordinary person is able to survive on a desert island for a long time. If I were the main character, I would not be able to survive in such conditions

    9. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

    10. I recommend this book because of atmosphere and summer vibes that I got from it.
      Yep, I want to live there and feel their life, to become a part of this amazing novel, I will be proud of it

    11. I want to recommend this book for reading in the summer because it conveys the atmosphere and mood of summer.

    12. I'd recommend to read this book because it's very interesting and touching book. You can read this book during winter holidays. I don't want follow the characters of the book ,but only observe their life,how girls become more and more like little women.

  5. 4 этап. Проблемный вопрос: Что из оригинального текста важно сохранить в пересказе сказки? Почему это важно?

    1. We believe that a short retelling involves the transmission of the main content of a fairy tale or story. This is important for understanding the main idea of the text.

    2. Good Afternoon! We think that when retelling it's important to keep the main idea of any book.These are the most momentous things.You can change the main character or the location of action, no matter, it's important for the reader to understand what the author wanted to convey to him.

    3. The main thing when you retell a fairy tale is to preserve the meaning of it. Even through it we learn the life, relations between people and lessons to continue our life better.

    4. Retelling a fairy tale means telling it on your own way. We think that some tips should be followed. They are the sequence of events, a magical atmosphere and a general idea of the fairy tale.
      Using magical words gives such sense of involvement, sequence of events shows order of actions of character and eacd each fairy tale should have its aim.

    5. The main thing in retelling a fairy tale is to preserve the chronology of events. With the help of the chronology of events, the clarity of the work will be preserved, which will help the reader to understand the meaning of the fairy tale.

    6. We translate that what is retold should be short, clear and connected. You understand brevity and clarity, but we will now explain the connection. Connectivity in the text when events flow smoothly from one to another, and not taken out of context. These are, in our opinion, the most important features of the retelling.

    7. I think the most important thing that people should keep while retelling is the concept. The essential part of any text/work is author’s idea and the moral, because this piece of work was written for some reasons.

    8. We think that the most important thing in retelling a fairy tale is accurately convey the necessary information of it.We must point out its moral and what it teaches readers.

    9. It is important not to lose the meaning of the content of the work itself when retelling. it is up to you to choose what will be in your retelling, It is important not to lose the meaning of the content of the work itself when retelling

    10. It is important to keep the main idea, because without it there is no fairy tale

  6. Основополагающий вопрос: Чему можно научиться, читая книги на английском языке?

    1. When we read English books, we can not only learn new words , but we have an oppotunity to enlarge our vocablary , develop imagination and make a difference.

    2. Reading English books helps to learn new words in a context. We can undestand the meaning of the words , word formation and grammar. We should know that if we choose interesting books they will give us pleasure and enjoyable time.

    3. Reading books in English, you memorize new words, immerse yourself in the English-speaking environment, and begin to think on a different level.

    4. It helps us learn to make sense not only of the world around them but also people, building social-emotional skills and of course, imagination. Reading exposes us to other styles, other voices, other forms, and other genres of writing.

    5. we can learn English to understand her words correctly use them in conversation

    6. First of all, you can learn the grammar and structure of the text. Beside that,you can learn a lot of new words, and what is the most important is the ability to read correctly and beautifully

    7. Reading books on English helps us to get used to the English words, you can improve your pronunciation if you are reading out loud. While reading you learn new words and phrases, it's easier to learn them because, as a rule, they are repeated many times in one text. And of course, you can learn English if you read English books!

    8. Reading books in English you practice your level, get acquanted with new words and just have a lot of fun an pleasure.

  7. By reading books in English, you can learn English. You will memorize words, learn the rules and understand the structure of the sentence. Thus, starting with the easiest books, you will gradually learn to speak English.

  8. Reading books in English will be incredibly easy for you to learn the language.While reading the book, you will memorize new words, phrases and idioms. Something will be forgetten, and something will remain in your memory, and this knowledge can be used in your own speech. Reading books in English helps to expand vocabulary, strengthen knowledge of grammar and spelling and brings pleasure

  9. Of course, by reading books in English, we learn English, namely, to pronounce difficult words correctly, to translate different words well, and much more. But at the moment we work in a team, that is, accordingly, we learned even more skills (work in a team, distribute work). We would like to thank Lyceum 177 for providing such a chance to participate in the "Shans" project. Thanks a lot 😃❤

  10. Уважаемый Анонимный, какой же команде поставить оценку за ответ за проблемный ответ? Самок главное правило при работе в сетевом проекте - подписывать свои работы, т.е. работать в своем аккаунте. А вы в блоге не зарегистрировались, т.е. надо было зарегистрироваться в блоге с своим google-аккаунтом, ваши ответы были бы подписаны названием вашей команды.


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